Xylem, Stomata and Guard Cells

Concept Explanation

Xylem, Stomata and Guard Cells

Xylem: Pipe-like vessels present inside the roots, stem, branches and the leaves which form a continuous passage for water, minerals and other nutrients to reach the leaves from the root

Stomata: Tiny pores present on the underside of leaves which help in the exchange of gases. Stomata is bounded by two half-moon shaped guard cells. These guard cells regulate the opening & closing of stomata when there is enough light & water. These guard cells swells up and curve away from each other & stomata open this allows CO2 to enter the cells of the leaf.                                                                                                                           

Guard cells: These surround the stomata and regulate their opening and closing.



Sample Questions
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Question : 1

The xylem in plants are responsible for

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

What is the name of the small openings at the bottom of plant leaves where most transpiration occurs ?

Right Option : C
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